Pastoral Care
Support of Students
Our College aspires to support, nurture and grow our students holistically with a specific focus on a student’s academic, spiritual and emotional welfare. Students' spiritual and emotional wellbeing are supported through a variety of Christ-centred programs.
From daily devotions to a Scripture-based Behaviour Management Policy, students are nurtured to grow with confidence and self-belief. Students have the opportunity to further develop healthy relationships and self-confidence through leadership opportunities, chances to serve and a variety of extra-curricular activities. The College has a team of Counsellors, College Chaplains and Year Level Coordinators to provide ongoing support to students.
Contact can be made with the Good News Lutheran College Counsellors and College Chaplains through Schoolbox, your child's ‘Teams’ account or email:
Counselling Team
College Chaplain
The Word of God guides our relationships, teaching and learning and all activities of our community
Support of Families
The support of students also extends to the support of their families.
Good News Lutheran College works together with parents/guardians to help sustain the best environment at home and to enable each student to understand and use the gifts and abilities given to them.
St Philip's Lutheran Church provides an opportunity for fellowship, for students and families.
Prayer Groups
College staff meet weekly in Prayer Groups to pray for the students, staff and College community. Good News Lutheran College believes that both staff and students should be Creating Success Together through prayer, service and worship.