
Student Wellbeing

At Good News Lutheran College, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the means and motivation for inviting, encouraging and developing acceptable student behaviour. Since Christian behaviour and attitudes are not inherent to human nature, teachers will present the Christian lifestyle through instruction, admonition and example. This will be done in a positive, loving and caring environment to reinforce Christian values and to encourage positive attitudes and behaviours.

Our goal is to build a safe and caring community where people recognise that their relationships can be damaged by conflict or wrongdoing. Restorative Practices have been incorporated into a whole school approach through a range of informal and formal strategies, such as the use of effective language and restorative conversations.

Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice forms the cornerstone of our Behaviour Management and Bullying Prevention. We choose to use Restorative Practice when things go wrong because the Bible tells us that all people are born sinners. We all do things that are either antisocial or mean at some point in our lives – these are our sins. Our sins cause damage and hurt God, others or ourselves.

We believe that Jesus came to reconcile our relationship with God by taking the punishment we deserve for our sins. We are so thankful to Jesus and we want to be like Him. While we can’t remove sin from the world, we can do our best to fix the damage that is caused by bad behaviour.


Throughout the College, there is a strong focus on healthy lifestyles, personal wellbeing, mental health, cyber-safety, protective behaviours and generally caring for self. In addition to the learning programs, we have a well-equipped First Aid Centre with fully trained staff members. They provide immediate first aid and care during the school day. We also have a College Counsellor and Chaplain, who provide support for students across the College, as required.    

Care for others

Making a valuable contribution to the lives of others helps build character and a strong sense of self. All students are encouraged to participate in community initiatives within the College or wider community. Throughout the year, the College provides support to several different causes.