Our Career and Pathways Office, led by a qualified Careers Practitioner, is open year-round for all students.
Deciding on future pathways and careers can be challenging. At GNLC, we ensure every student graduates with a tailored pathway. Post-secondary options include prestigious university courses, vocational education, private colleges, the Defence Forces, apprenticeships, and traineeships.
Our careers program spans Years 7-12, focusing on three pillars:
Careers Education Program (pastoral and curriculum)
Vocational Assessment
Individual Career Counselling
In Year 9, students complete the Morrisby Career Profiling Report, a valuable tool that helps them find career direction aligned with their VCE pathway. Year 10 students visit the Victorian Careers Show and can join our optional Work Experience program. Each Year 10 student and their parents attend a compulsory careers appointment. University visits are arranged in Years 11 and 12.
Our fortnightly newsletter, Careers Corner, along with work experience opportunities and other information regarding career and tertiary webinars and podcasts is communicated regularly through Schoolbox for all Year 9-12 families.
Good News Careers Portal
The GNLC Career Portal offers families access to resources such as course and occupation information, Secondary Years planning, post-secondary options, resume creation, skills testing, and virtual work experience. We encourage parents, students, and caregivers to explore these opportunities: